School Uniforms
The Silkwood School Uniform Shop is operated by P&C Uniforms. Silkwood School and P&C Uniforms work in partnership to offer an efficient ordering process and deliver high-quality uniform items to our school community.
To order during term-time, purchase your child's uniforms online before midnight on Mondays for delivery to your child's advisory on Tuesdays.
Silkwood Primary School students wear the following:
Multi-coloured T-shirts (P.R.Y.O.G)

- Monday- Purple
- Tuesday - Red (also worn on excursion days)
- Wednesday - Yellow
- Thursday - Orange
- Friday - Green
Silkwood Middle School Students wear the following:
Polo Shirt: Green Middle School Polo
Shorts: Silkwood Shorts
Pants: Navy or black track pants
Hat: Silkwood navy cap
Shoes: Sports shoes
Socks: Plain black or white (no logos or patterns)

This Senior School Dress Code provides a framework for an acceptable standard of dress that promotes a quality learning environment, a good image of the school in the community and allows for 'student choice'.
In developing the Dress Code, consideration was been given to:
- The Silkwood Way
- Queensland Health Sun Safe policy;
- Workplace Health and Safety;
- Suitability of clothing for a learning environment or workplace.
While off-site for school program-related activities, students are to dress in a way that presents a positive image in the community and in a way that is appropriate for the location they are going.
Below is an example of the Senior School polo shirt. It is compulsory to wear this when:
- Visiting the Mt Nathan Silkwood Campus;
- At special events and representational events that relate to your learning;
- At selected excursions and internships (your Advisor will tell you before an event if a uniform is needed).

Senior students also have the option to order a Senior School Hoodie or Long-sleeve T-shirt. Orders are placed early in term 1 and delivered towards the end of term 2 of the same school year.
An email is sent to all Senior School families early in term 1 to collect orders.
*Minimum total order numbers are required.
Ordering Uniforms
Click here or use the ORDER NOW button below.
- Add required items to your cart.
- Click on your cart and select CHECKOUT.
- Enter your details, including your child's year level and Advisor name.
- Select 'Create an account' if you would like to make your next purchase quicker and easier.
- Review your order and proceed with an online payment using a major credit or debit card.
- Double-check all information is correct, agree to website terms and conditions and click PLACE ORDER.
- Your order will be processed and packed ready for collection during the dates outlined above. If you do not collect your order during this time it will be delivered to your child's classroom on the Tuesday following your order date.
Contact P & C Uniforms
P&C Uniforms Brisbane Office
Phone: 1800 811 202
Our school uniform assists in creating an atmosphere of consistency, pride, loyalty and equity. We encourage students to wear their uniform proudly, realising that when they are in school uniform, they are ambassadors for Silkwood School.
— Silkwood School